Keep Customers Engaged: Elements to Have on Your Website

It should no longer come as a shock for emerging businesses when the marketing space has continued to be more competitive, especially online. This is why businesses continue their efforts with establishing their online presence through investing heavily in their strategies in digital marketing, SEO services, content marketing, and many more aspects to assert dominance in the digital sphere.

One of the ways that businesses can truly mark their presence online is through creating a website. Others might say that it is critical for businesses to have their own websites because it solidifies the identify they want to establish. More importantly, it’s one of the easiest and quickest ways to connect with your potential and existing consumers.

However, the competition is likely doing the same. It simply isn’t enough to have your own website; it needs to be user-friendly and purposeful. Having a website that’s well-designed do not only affects your reach to your existing audience, but your rankings on a search engine as well. It can make or break your entire strategy.

But, what entails a good website? And more importantly, what are the factors that make people stay? What are potential consumers looking for in a business website? Here’s what a survey done among website visitors revealed:

Contact Information is Crucial

Adding your contact details seems simple, but some companies tend to overlook this. Apart from the chance to establish your identity and for the visitors to get to know your brand through your website, it allows them to get in touch with you as soon as they find you online.

This goes to show how contact information should be an important element to have on a business’ website. Contact details should include your business’ phone number, email address, or any platform in which consumers can reach out to your business for inquiries.

Make sure customers can readily see your contact information. Include a ‘Contact Us’ or ‘Email Us’ CTA on the top corners of your website.

Blogs Offer Value to Customers


Publishing quality content has been one of the key requirements of any marketing strategy. This offers an effective way of boosting awareness and authority for the business. Survey shows that 19% of online users look at blogs as the most important factor that needs to be present on a business’ website.

Create a blog page under your domain to maximize the benefits of SEO. Blogs on business websites generally increase brand awareness, influence a first-time visitor’s impression, and potentially lead to higher conversions through the value they find on your content.

An ‘About Us’ Page Adds Credibility

It’s important for businesses to share their story and give customers a different side to them. Customers are looking for a genuine brand that they can relate to, which is why you need to put a ‘face’ behind the brand. A study revealed that trust is a key emotion that affects a person’s purchasing decision and about 85% of consumers revealed that they will only buy from brands that they completely trust.

Putting a ‘face’ or showing a different side of your business emphasizes authenticity and makes it easier for consumers to trust a ‘person’ than merely trusting a corporation. In fact, an ‘About Us’ page is ranked as the second most important element on a business website, according to 31% of those surveyed. The page should introduce who you are, show the business’ goals and core values, highlight your mission, and indicate the overall importance of your work or service.

People are highly skeptical these days, especially when it comes to what they find online. Telling them more about yourself helps relieve some doubts.

Connect Socially with Social Media Icons

social media

Social media is important for businesses when it comes to brand awareness. Giving customers a quick way to connect with you online is one aspect to include on your website.

Social media icons help drive traffic to your social media pages and make it easier for prospects to be updated and follow you. However, it’s important to only link social media pages that are relevant to your business and that you regularly update content. Stick to the main platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

Customer Testimonials Improve Website Quality

According to survey, 20% of marketing experts believe that business websites with customer testimonials are more likely to gain trust from potential customers. Showing reviews and testimonials from existing customers helps in building your business’ credibility, establishing a good reputation, and highlighting your relationship with your customers.

Before you publish testimonials, make sure to ask your most valued customers and have their names attached to the review. Testimonials are likely to be trusted and be more believable to have real people instead of piling anonymous comments.

Make sure your site has these elements and start getting more visibility and recognition from your customers! If you’re looking for an extra pair of hands to get you started, we’re here to help! Let NAD’s creative team take the reins!